How To Pray and Receive Answers From God

                                 How to Pray and Receive Instant Answers from God. 
By Phillimon Mulemena

Do you sometimes feel like your prayers are not heard or answered by God? Do you wonder why some people seem to receive immediate guidance and direction from the Lord, while you struggle to discern His voice and will? If you are looking for ways to improve your prayer life and experience the power of God’s answers, this blog is for you. In this blog, I will share with you four biblical principles that can help you pray and receive instant answers from God. 

Principle 1: Know the Will of God The first principle for praying and receiving instant answers from God is to know the will of God. The Bible says that God hears and answers our prayers when we ask according to His will (1 John 5:14-151). But how can we know the will of God? There are two ways to discover the will of God: through His word and through His Spirit. 
Through His Word God’s word, the Bible, is the will of God in print. It reveals God’s character, purposes, promises, and commands for His people. When we study and meditate on the Scriptures, we can learn what God wants us to do and what He wants to give us. For example, we can know that God wants us to be saved, to be holy, to love one another, to forgive, to serve, to give, to rejoice, to pray, and to praise Him. We can also know that God promises to provide for our needs, to protect us, to heal us, to guide us, to comfort us, to strengthen us, and to reward us. When we pray according to the word of God, we can be confident that we are praying according to the will of God. 
Through His Spirit God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, is the will of God in person. He dwells in every believer and speaks to our hearts and minds. He reveals, teaches, reminds, convicts, confirms, and impresses on us the will of God for our specific situations and circumstances. He also helps us to pray according to the will of God, even when we do not know what to pray for (Romans 8:26-272). When we listen and obey the voice of the Spirit, we can be sure that we are praying according to the will of God. 

Principle 2: Pray the Word, His Will The second principle for praying and receiving instant answers from God is to pray the word, His will. Once we know the will of God, we need to take it back to Him in prayer. We need to remind Him of His word and claim His promises. We need to declare His will and command His blessings. We need to align our prayers with His word and His will. Isaiah 41:213 says, “Present your case, says the Lord. Set forth your arguments, says Jacob’s King.” God invites us to present His word and His will to Him in prayer, and He will answer us according to His word and His will.


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