How To Overcome Shame And Disappointment With The Truth Of God
Title: Shielding Yourself from the Devil's Snare: Overcoming Disappointment and Shame with God's Truth Written by Mulemena Phillimon One of the weapons the devil uses is to cause disappointment and shame, hoping to ensnare us in a web of despair and hopelessness especially in the area of financial status. Nevertheless, 9As children of God, we don't have to fall prey to his schemes. In fact, we have the power to overcome disappointment and shame, and emerge stronger and more radiant than ever. In this post, we'll explore the ways in which the enemy seeks to discourage us, and how we can counter his attacks with the truth of God's Word. We'll dive into scriptures that remind us of our identity in Christ, and how to practically apply them to our lives. Some of the key points we'll cover include: - Recognizing the tactics of the enemy and r...