Title: Angels In Battle, Twenty One Occasions Of Angels Fighting for People in the Bible

Title: Angels In Battle, Twenty  One Occasions of Angels Fighting for People in the Bible


Angels have long been a fascinating topic in Christian theology, with many wondering about their role in our lives. While we may not always see them, angels are actively involved in fighting for God's people, as evident in numerous biblical accounts. In this blog post, we'll explore twenty occasions where angels intervened on behalf of individuals, highlighting their divine protection and guidance.

1. Exodus 14:19-20 - Angel of God Protects Israelites

The angel of God protected the Israelites from the pursuing Egyptian army, creating a pillar of cloud to separate the two groups.

2. 2 Kings 19:35-36 - Angel Strikes Down Assyrian Army

An angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers, saving Jerusalem from destruction.

3. 2 Chronicles 32:21-22 - Angel Fights Against Assyrian Army

An angel fought against the Assyrian army, defeating them and saving Judah.

4. Isaiah 37:36-37 - Angel Strikes Down Assyrian Army

An angel struck down the Assyrian army, fulfilling God's promise to protect His people.

5.Joshua 5:13-15 - Captain of the Lord's Host Appears to Joshua

The captain of the Lord's host, likely an angel, appeared to Joshua, signifying God's presence and protection.

6. Judges 5:20 - Stars Fight Against Sisera's Army

The stars fought against Sisera's army, indicating divine intervention through angelic agency.

7. 1 Samuel 29:3 - God Sends Angel to Drive Out Philistines

God sent an angel to drive out the Philistines, demonstrating His protection over Israel.

8. 2 Samuel 24:15-16 - Angel Strikes Down Israelites

An angel struck down 70,000 Israelites as punishment for David's sin, highlighting the severity of God's judgment.

9. Psalms 35:5-6 - Angel of God Pursues and Destroys David's Enemies

The angel of God pursued and destroyed David's enemies, showcasing divine protection and justice.

10. Acts 12:7-11 - Angel Frees Peter from Prison

An angel freed Peter from prison, striking down Herod's soldiers and demonstrating God's power.


11. Exodus 14:19-20 - Angel of God Protects Israelites

The angel of God protected the Israelites from the pursuing Egyptian army, creating a pillar of cloud to separate the two groups.


12. Numbers 22:22-35 - Angel of God Blocks Balaam's Way

The angel of God blocked Balaam's way, preventing him from cursing Israel and demonstrating God's protection over His people.

13.  Judges 6:11-24 - Angel of God Appears to Gideon

The angel of God appeared to Gideon, commissioning him to defeat the Midianites and promising His presence and protection.

14. Judges 13:3-25 - Angel of God Appears to Manoah and His Wife

The angel of God appeared to Manoah and his wife, promising the birth of Samson, who would begin to deliver Israel from the Philistines.

15. 1 Kings 19:5-8 - Angel of God Feeds Elijah

The angel of God fed Elijah, strengthening him for his journey and demonstrating God's care and provision.

16. . 2 Kings 6:8-23 - Angel of God Opens Elisha's Servant's Eyes

The angel of God opened Elisha's servant's eyes, allowing him to see the horses and chariots of fire that surrounded them, a powerful reminder of God's protection.

17. Daniel 3:25-28 - Angel of God Saves Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

The angel of God saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace, demonstrating God's power and protection in the face of persecution.

18. Daniel 6:22 - Angel of God Shuts Lions' Mouths

The angel of God shut the lions' mouths, saving Daniel from certain death and showcasing God's sovereignty over creation.

19.  Matthew 2:13-15 - Angel of God Warns Joseph

The angel of God warned Joseph to flee to Egypt with Jesus, protecting the young family from Herod's wrath.

20.  Matthew 4:11 - Angels Minister to Jesus

Angels ministered to Jesus after His temptation in the wilderness, strengthening Him for His ministry and demonstrating God's care for His Son.

21. Hebrews 1:14 - Angels Are Ministering Spirits

Angels are ministering spirits sent to serve believers, providing guidance, protection, and comfort in times of need.

In these twenty occasions, we see angels fighting for God's people, protecting them from harm, guiding them in their journeys, and demonstrating God's power and love. While we may not always see angels at work, we can trust in their presence and protection, knowing that God is always with us.

What are some of the names of angels in the Bible, is possible to which angel was involved in each case of the Occasions discussed above?

Is it possible to recognize and adress and call  angels by name? In the above cases, were these divine intervention by angels brought by one type of angels or they differ?

In a few cases, Jewish traditions and apocryphal texts provide names for the angels involved:

 The Bible doesn't always specify the type or name of angels involved in each case. However, based on biblical descriptions and Jewish traditions, here's a possible breakdown:

1. Numbers 22:22-35 - Unnamed angel (possibly a cherubim or seraphim)

2. Judges 6:11-24 - Unnamed angel (possibly a malakim or messenger angel)

3. Judges 13:3-25 - Unnamed angel (possibly a malakim or messenger angel)

4. 1 Kings 19:5-8 - Unnamed angel (possibly a malakim or messenger angel)

5. 2 Kings 6:8-23 - Unnamed angel (possibly a cherubim or seraphim)

6. Daniel 3:25-28 - Unnamed angel (possibly a seraphim or a high-ranking angel)

7. Daniel 6:22 - Unnamed angel (possibly a cherubim or a high-ranking angel)

8. Matthew 2:13-15 - Unnamed angel (possibly a malakim or messenger angel)

9. Matthew 4:11 - Unnamed angels (possibly ministering spirits or helper angels)

10. Hebrews 1:14 - Unnamed angels (possibly ministering spirits or helper angels)

- In the case of Balaam (Numbers 22), the angel is sometimes identified as Michael or Phanuel.

- In the case of Daniel in the lions' den (Daniel 6), the angel is sometimes identified as Gabriel or Michael.

- In the case of the fiery furnace (Daniel 3), the angel is sometimes identified as Uriel or Raphael.

Please note that these names are not universally accepted and are based on extrabiblical 




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