Can Cats Play Football

 Can Cats Play Football?

Tommy had a cat named Max. Max was a curious cat. He liked to play with balls. One day, Tommy saw a football on the ground. He showed it to Max. Max batted the ball with his paw.
"Wow, Max! You can play football!" Tommy exclaimed.
Tommy and Max went to the park. They saw children playing football. Max wanted to join in. Tommy was hesitant.
"Can cats play football?" Tommy asked a boy.
"Why not?" the boy replied. "Let's see what Max can do!"
Max ran onto the field. He chased the ball and kicked it with his paw. The children cheered.
"Max is a natural!" someone shouted.
Max played football with the children. He scored a goal!
"Yay, Max! You're a football star!" Tommy cheered.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What was Max's name?
a) Tommy
b) Max
c) Football
d) Cat

Answer: b) Max

2. What did Max like to play with?
a) Balls
b) Sticks
c) Stones
d) Sand

Answer: a) Balls

3. What did Tommy show Max on the ground?
a) A ball
b) A stick
c) A stone
d) A book

Answer: a) A ball

4. Where did Tommy and Max go to play football?
a Home
b) Park
c) School
d) Shop

Answer: b) Park

5. What did Max do on the field?
a) He slept
b) He ran
c) He chased the ball
d) He ate

Answer: c) He chased the ball

6. What did the children do when Max played football?
a) They cried
b) They laughed
c) They cheered
d) They ran away

Answer: c) They cheered

7. What did Max do that made Tommy cheer?
a) He scored a goal
b) He ran fast
c) He jumped high
d) He slept

Answer: a) He scored a goal

8. What was Max good at playing?
a) Basketball
b) Football
c) Tennis
d) Cricket

Answer: b) Football

9.  played football with Max?
a) Tommy
b) Children
c) Adults
d) Animals
Answer: b) Children

10.  What did Tommy call Max at the end?
a) A football star
b) A cat
c) A dog
d) A player
Answer: a) A football star


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