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Ten In - 1 Bullet


Welcome to the quiz. Listen to the story and anaswer the questions below

Story 1: The Happy Dog

Tonga had a dog named Biko. Biko liked to run in the garden. One day, Biko saw a big bird. He barked and jumped. The bird flew away. Tonga laughed and gave Biko a biscuit.

Now aswer the following quiz

SECTION A (One-Word Answers)
  1. Who had a dog?
    a) Biko
    b) Tonga
    c) Bird
  2. What was the dog's name?
    a) Tonga
    b) Bird
    c) Biko
  3. Where did Biko run?
    a) Garden
    b) House
    c) Road
  4. What did Biko see?
    a) Cat
    b) Bird
    c) Fish
  5. What did Tonga give Biko?
    a) Water
    b) Biscuit
    c) Ball
SECTION B (Spelling Fun)
  1. G _ R D E N (Where Biko ran)
    a) GADREN
    b) GARDEN
    c) GRADEN
  2. B _ R D (What Biko saw)
    a) BIRD
    b) BRID
    c) BIDR
  3. B _ K O (Dog’s name)
    a) BIKA
    b) BIKO
    c) BOKI
  4. J _ M P (What Biko did)
    a) JUMP
    b) JAPM
    c) JOMP
  5. L _ U G H (What Tonga did)
    a) LAUGHT
    b) LAUGH
    c) LAGUH
Thank you for answering, now check your answers with these correct ones

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. B

1. The missing letter is A
2. The missing letter is I
3. The missing letter is I
4. The missing letter is U
5. The missing letter is A

Story 2: The Red Ball
Musa kicked a red ball. The ball went up high. His friend Chola ran to catch it. Chola missed, and the ball fell in the mud. Musa and Chola laughed.
Questions (One-Word Answers)
  1. Who kicked the ball?
    a) Chola
    b) Musa
    c) Mud
  2. What colour was the ball?
    a) Blue
    b) Red
    c) Green
  3. Where did the ball go?
    a) Down
    b) Up
    c) Side
  4. Who ran to catch the ball?
    a) Musa
    b) Chola
    c) Ball
  5. Where did the ball fall?
    a) Mud
    b) Tree
    c) House
Questions (Spelling Fun)
  1. R _ D (Ball’s colour)
    a) RID
    b) RED
    c) RAD
  2. K _ C K (What Musa did)
    a) KICK
    b) KIKC
    c) KECK
  3. C _ T C H (What Chola tried)
    a) CATCH
    b) CATSH
    c) CHATC
  4. M _ D (Where the ball fell)
    a) MAD
    b) MUD
    c) MOD
  5. L _ U G H (What they did)
    a) LAUGHT
    b) LAUGH
    c) LAGUH

Story 3: The Big Tree
Lulu climbed a big tree. She saw a nest with eggs. A bird flew near her. Lulu smiled and came down. She told her mother about the eggs.
Questions (One-Word Answers)
  1. Who climbed the tree?
    a) Lulu
    b) Bird
    c) Mother
  2. What did Lulu see?
    a) Nest
    b) Cat
    c) Fish
  3. What was in the nest?
    a) Leaves
    b) Eggs
    c) Stones
  4. Who flew near Lulu?
    a) Dog
    b) Bird
    c) Mother
  5. Who did Lulu tell?
    a) Father
    b) Mother
    c) Friend
Questions (Spelling Fun)
  1. T _ E E (What Lulu climbed)
    a) TREE
    b) TERE
    c) TEER
  2. N _ S T (What Lulu saw)
    a) NIST
    b) NEST
    c) NETS
  3. E _ G S (What was in the nest)
    a) EGGS
    b) EGSG
    c) EGSS
  4. S _ I L E (What Lulu did)
    a) SMILE
    b) SIMLE
    c) SMIEL
  5. M _ T H E R (Who Lulu told)
    a) MOTER
    b) MOTHER
    c) MOHERT

Story 4: The Fast Bike
Peter rode a fast bike. He went down the hill. His sister Jane clapped. The wind blew his cap off. Peter stopped and laughed.
Questions (One-Word Answers)
  1. Who rode the bike?
    a) Jane
    b) Peter
    c) Wind
  2. What was fast?
    a) Bike
    b) Hill
    c) Cap
  3. Where did Peter go?
    a) Up
    b) Down
    c) Side
  4. Who clapped?
    a) Peter
    b) Jane
    c) Bike
  5. What blew off?
    a) Shoe
    b) Cap
    c) Bag
Questions (Spelling Fun)
  1. B _ K E (What Peter rode)
    a) BIKE
    b) BIEK
    c) BEKI
  2. F _ S T (How the bike was)
    a) FATS
    b) FAST
    c) FSTA
  3. H _ L L (Where Peter went)
    a) HILL
    b) HLLI
    c) HIL
  4. C _ A P (What blew off)
    a) CAP
    b) CPA
    c) CUP
  5. L _ U G H (What Peter did)
    a) LAUGHT
    b) LAUGH
    c) LAGUH

Story 5: The Singing Bird
Anna heard a bird sing. She looked up and saw it on a tree. The bird was yellow. Anna clapped her hands. The bird flew away.
Questions (One-Word Answers)
  1. Who heard the bird?
    a) Anna
    b) Tree
    c) Bird
  2. What did the bird do?
    a) Sing
    b) Run
    c) Jump
  3. Where was the bird?
    a) House
    b) Tree
    c) Ground
  4. What colour was the bird?
    a) Red
    b) Yellow
    c) Blue
  5. What did Anna do?
    a) Sing
    b) Clap
    c) Fly
Questions (Spelling Fun)
  1. S _ N G (What the bird did)
    a) SING
    b) SIGN
    c) SNIG
  2. T _ E E (Where the bird was)
    a) TREE
    b) TERE
    c) TEER
  3. Y _ L L O W (Bird’s colour)
    a) YELLOW
    b) YELOLW
    c) YWLELO
  4. C _ A P (What Anna did)
    a) CLPA
    b) CLAP
    c) CALP
  5. F _ E W (What the bird did)
    a) FLEW
    b) FELW
    c) FWLE

Story 6: The Lost Shoe
Tina lost her shoe in the grass. She looked under a bush. A frog jumped out. Tina laughed and found her shoe. She ran home.
Questions (One-Word Answers)
  1. Who lost a shoe?
    a) Frog
    b) Tina
    c) Bush
  2. Where was the shoe?
    a) Grass
    b) Tree
    c) House
  3. What jumped out?
    a) Cat
    b) Frog
    c) Dog
  4. What did Tina do?
    a) Cry
    b) Laugh
    c) Sing
  5. Where did Tina go?
    a) Home
    b) School
    c) Bush
Questions (Spelling Fun)
  1. S _ O E (What Tina lost)
    a) SHOE
    b) SOHE
    c) SHEO
  2. G _ A S S (Where the shoe was)
    a) GRASS
    b) GASSR
    c) GSARS
  3. F _ O G (What jumped out)
    a) FROG
    b) FORG
    c) FGRO
  4. L _ U G H (What Tina did)
    a) LAUGHT
    b) LAUGH
    c) LAGUH
  5. H _ M E (Where Tina went)
    a) HOME
    b) HMOE
    c) HEMA

Story 7: The Big Fish
John caught a big fish. He pulled it from the river. The fish was silver. His brother Tom cheered. They cooked the fish for supper.
Questions (One-Word Answers)
  1. Who caught the fish?
    a) Tom
    b) John
    c) River
  2. Where was the fish?
    a) River
    b) Tree
    c) House
  3. What colour was the fish?
    a) Silver
    b) Gold
    c) Red
  4. Who cheered?
    a) John
    b) Tom
    c) Fish
  5. What did they do with the fish?
    a) Swim
    b) Cook
    c) Run
Questions (Spelling Fun)
  1. F _ S H (What John caught)
    a) FSIH
    b) FISH
    c) FHSI
  2. R _ V E R (Where the fish was)
    a) RIVER
    b) RIVRE
    c) REIVR
  3. S _ L V E R (Fish’s colour)
    a) SILVER
    b) SLIVER
    c) SIVLER
  4. C _ E E R (What Tom did)
    a) CHEER
    b) CHERE
    c) CEHER
  5. C _ O K (What they did)
    a) COOK
    b) COKO
    c) CKOO

Story 8: The Dancing Goat
Mary had a goat that danced. It jumped when she clapped. The goat ate grass. Mary’s friends laughed. The goat danced again.
Questions (One-Word Answers)
  1. Who had a goat?
    a) Mary
    b) Friends
    c) Goat
  2. What did the goat do?
    a) Sing
    b) Dance
    c) Run
  3. When did the goat jump?
    a) Clap
    b) Eat
    c) Sleep
  4. What did the goat eat?
    a) Grass
    b) Cake
    c) Fish
  5. Who laughed?
    a) Goat
    b) Friends
    c) Mary
Questions (Spelling Fun)
  1. G _ A T (What Mary had)
    a) GOAT
    b) GOTA
    c) GAOT
  2. D _ N C E (What the goat did)
    a) DANCE
    b) DACNE
    c) DNACE
  3. C _ A P (When the goat jumped)
    a) CLPA
    b) CLAP
    c) CALP
  4. G _ A S S (What the goat ate)
    a) GRASS
    b) GASSR
    c) GSARS
  5. L _ U G H (What friends did)
    a) LAUGHT
    b) LAUGH
    c) LAGUH

Story 9: The Old Drum
Ben found an old drum. He hit it with a stick. It made a loud sound. His dog ran away. Ben laughed and played again.
Questions (One-Word Answers)
  1. Who found a drum?
    a) Dog
    b) Ben
    c) Stick
  2. What was old?
    a) Stick
    b) Drum
    c) Dog
  3. What did Ben use?
    a) Stick
    b) Hand
    c) Foot
  4. What ran away?
    a) Drum
    b) Dog
    c) Ben
  5. What did Ben do?
    a) Cry
    b) Laugh
    c) Sleep
Questions (Spelling Fun)
  1. D _ U M (What Ben found)
    a) DRUM
    b) DMRU
    c) DUMR
  2. S _ I C K (What Ben used)
    a) STICK
    b) SICKT
    c) STIKC
  3. L _ U D (The sound)
    a) LOUD
    b) LDUO
    c) LUOD
  4. D _ G (What ran away)
    a) DOG
    b) DGO
    c) ODG
  5. L _ U G H (What Ben did)
    a) LAUGHT
    b) LAUGH
    c) LAGUH

Story 10: The Sweet Mango
Sara picked a sweet mango. She ate it under a tree. A monkey watched her. Sara gave the monkey a piece. They smiled at each other.
Questions (One-Word Answers)
  1. Who picked a mango?
    a) Monkey
    b) Sara
    c) Tree
  2. What was sweet?
    a) Tree
    b) Mango
    c) Monkey
  3. Where did Sara eat?
    a) House
    b) Tree
    c) Road
  4. Who watched Sara?
    a) Monkey
    b) Tree
    c) Mango
  5. What did Sara give?
    a) Piece
    b) Leaf
    c) Stone
Questions (Spelling Fun)
  1. M _ N G O (What Sara picked)
    a) MANGO
    b) MAGNO
    c) MOGAN
  2. S _ E E T (How it tasted)
    a) SWEET
    b) SWETE
    c) SEWET
  3. T _ E E (Where Sara ate)
    a) TREE
    b) TERE
    c) TEER
  4. M _ N K E Y (Who watched)
    a) MONKEY
    b) MOKNEY
    c) MNYOKE
  5. S _ I L E (What they did)
    a) SMILE
    b) SIMLE
    c) SMIEL


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